What characteristics of a neuropathy make Sjögren syndrome the likely diagnosis?
Discharge planners and case managers certainly cannot accept cash payments from providers in exchange for referrals of patients. But what about non-cash items that have a relatively low value and that providers are not obligated to provide to case managers? Can case managers accept such items?
Employees spread over a large geographic area, people who dont like sitting in one place for any length of time, patient visits that dont always follow a normal schedule, and a lengthy list of educational classes that staff members must take these are just a few of the challenges faced by home health managers as they address staff education.
NHPCO to offer manager program; Hospital to pay $9.5M for Medicare billing issues; Two-page advance beneficiary notice gone; CMS describes HIPAA authorization form; Prescriptions blamed for dependencies.
Graded activity can return a patient to full employment faster than usual care.
Data supporting associations of subclinical thyroid disease with symptoms or adverse clinical outcomes or benefits of treatment are few.
Kiefer D. Echinacea: An update on the popular cold cure. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(4):41-44.
O'Mathuna DP. Melatonin for jet lag. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(4):44-47.